Welcome to my Writings

May you feel the tough loving energy behind my words.

May you feel that I care. Deeply. About Love. And Freedom.

My freedom, your freedom, and the freedom of the Collective’s Consciousness.

May it make you feel and reflect.

May it inspire you to take action.

May you know that I am sharing my truth, that you have your own inner truth and that you should only take with you what resonates.

May you read with your heart, more than with your mind.

Lisa Van Dale Lisa Van Dale

Lost in Bergen

December 2023, I moved to Bergen. Never in my life has a place made me feel as lost as the city of Bergen did. This city contained everything I was and everything I was not.

Bergen sparked the highest magic and the deepest suffering into my journey.

I walked around searching for myself. Nowhere…

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Lisa Van Dale Lisa Van Dale

 Opening up to the Divine & the fear of losing “my sense of self”

Opening up to Higher Guidance and receiving Divine Love can be scary for our beloved ego’s... Let’s talk about this.

As my connection and relationship with the Divine has expanded and deepened once again, my ego has to shed another layer. For the umpteenth time, it has to…

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Lisa Van Dale Lisa Van Dale

A little more Love for the Darkness

I am a strong light, continuing to shine stronger and brighter. Only the darkness could have made that possible for me. The darkness is not…

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Lisa Van Dale Lisa Van Dale

Scared to dive?

Did you know, that you can find everything within you? But maybe, you are scared to dive within you? Scared of the darkness you might encounter in the search for you? Maybe you have not learned yet how to traverse the darkness? Let me enlighten you on a secret: …

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