Opening up to the Divine & the fear of losing “my sense of self”
Opening up to Higher Guidance and receiving Divine Love can be scary for our beloved ego’s... Let’s talk about this.
As my connection and relationship with the Divine has expanded and deepened once again, my ego has to shed another layer. For the umpteenth time, it has to give up a degree of control that it has been used to, up till now.
Life is increasingly becoming easier as I hear the messages of my Soul, Higher Self, guides, and of any other higher consciousness, more clearly.
As I’ve become better at communicating with Spirit: I know how to ask, I know how to receive.
As I’ve gained understanding of energy and how to direct it.
As I recognize my ego faster, even when it tries to come in, in the subtlest of ways.
Yesterday evening, I received this clear message: “If you just keep following the Divine, Lisa, you’ll receive everything that your heart ever desires”.
When I was drifting asleep, I saw - in my mind’s eye - my channel opening up, growing wider and more solid. I could see how easily I can be guided. How open and deep my connection with Spirit has become.
This morning, I woke up with the darkness. I dreamed about a friend who had negative entities attached to her. And I wonder, is this really the case, or was it a projection of my own ego, expressing its anxiety of opening up to higher dimensions?
Insight will come, as it always does.
Either way, it is true that my ego feels uncomfortable. With every deepening of my spiritual awareness, a new block against connecting to the Divine surfaces. This time it is the fear of losing “my sense of self”.
If I let Spirit guide me, then who am I? Then what am I?
It’s time to have a conversation with ego:
Yes, ego, you do loose a part of yourself.
Yes, ego, parts of you die.
Yes, ego, you are being dissolved, once again.
For you are no longer serving me, nor humanity, nor the highest good.
And no, ego, I do have a sense of self.
A very strong one.
I am Lisa, and I have my own gifts, my own magic, my own story, my own Soul’s journey, my own essence, my own personality. My own Higher Self, my own Spirit guides, my own Higher Guidance. I have my own ways of being and expressing. I have my own colors.
And I let the Light of Source shine through me, guide me and give me Love in all the ways they want to.
So that my true colors can shine brighter, express higher and radiate wider.
So that my impact can be bigger.
Yes, ego, I surrender partly.
No ego, it’s not Spirit who “controls” all of my life.
It’s neither “just me” who controls my life.
It’s both of us. It’s co-operation and co-creation. It’s a wise and serene dynamic dance between my human vessel, my Soul and my Higher Guidance.
And yes, ego, we do deserve to live a life in health, wealth, peace, freedom and ease.
I am (not) sorry ego, but the question of whether we are worthy of receiving this high Love or not, is an illusion merely experienced on a third dimensional level.
So, yes, ego. We are beyond that now.
We have expanded our awareness, and there is no way back.
Much Love to my ego,
Lisa <3