Relaxation is freedom. But how to get to this chillaxed state of mind?

Stressing out is just not worth it. There is literally no other state than relaxation I ever want to live in.  A state of trust in the universe, my journey, my soul, the cosmic plan. Welcome to freedom, baby.

It takes so much effort and so much energy to stress. A short-lived, not-too-big-of-a-degree bit of stress is alright. But you know what I mean, right? The kind of anxiety that always lingers somewhere in your mind and body. Little things trigger the big anxiety. Ugh.

It is my life’s work to live in relaxation, chill vibes, magical vibes, freedom. But how do you get there when you are born in a human race who still predominantly operates from fear?

You face the fear. You want freedom? Gotta face the fear. Literally, look at it. Look at it and say: “Jow, fear, I see you. You think I was going to fall into the trap, thinking that you were me? Haha, that’s funny. You almost got me yes, but I got you first. Now what’s up, little fear? Afraid that I am not worthy? Afraid that things are not going to work out so you try to figure out the how of everything in an attempt to control and be safe? Well, you do all you want but I am going to continue chilling and lean into the knowing that everything is aaallll right. Bye hunny, have a greeeaaat day.”

Now, it’s not always that simple. To come to the state of freedom where you can detect and disidentify with fear as smooth and easily as this, you first have to spend some time with fear. You need to sit with it, observe it. What does it smell like? What does it look like? Where in my body does it operate? How does it creep into my thoughts? What kinds of thoughts does it produce? How does it feel? You need to energetically get to know it.


Of course, you don’t need to do anything. I can only tell you my truth. But if you want freedom, then sorry, you have to be able to sit with anxiety and feel it. It and all the emotions that are associated with it.


Don’t we all deep down want freedom? But how badly do you actually want it? How much effort are you willing to put into it? If you are like “I AM GOING TO DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO LIVE FROM A PLACE OF LOVE INSTEAD OF FEAR. I DO WHATEVER INNER WORK IS NEEDED FOR ME TO LIVE IN JOY, WISDOM, LOVE AND FREEDOM”, well, then hello, because you are my kind of person.


Many people want freedom but they don’t want to do the dirty work. Why not? Because they are afraid of getting dirty. And to be confronted with their own dirty aspects. Because then the deepest wound - low self-worth - might get confirmed, and thát can be quite uncomfortable. (Mind you, this is THE core wound in humanity, you are NOT alone – literally EVERYONE struggles or has struggled with this - whether they are conscious of it or not.)

So, maybe it’s not fear itself that is the biggest problem, but the fear of facing the fear? Or is that eventually the same thing? In the end it’s fear, right?

Many people just want a quick fix to freedom. So, they do some cool drugs that give them glimpses of freedom. When the drugs wear off, the anxiety comes back, if not even threefold. Hmm, what to do about that? Take some more drugs of course. I did not learn to cope with anxiety myself, so the substance-taking coping mechanism must continue.

Or, I focus all my energy into love relationships. That person takes the attention away from me. Phjew, what a relief.

Or, I throw all my focus into my work. I work all day and save up all my money so that I am safe and can start to live my dream life when I retire. Meanwhile my money is rotting in the bank, I operate from a state of survival and no inner freedom is ever reached.

Other people live as a restless traveler, never settling in one place longer than a week, endlessly chasing a sense of freedom in the outside world, but never within their own selves.

And others constantly blame external forces like society, religion, arrogant politicians and such for their lack of freedom. Although these forces influence us indeed, in most countries it is not a sufficient excuse to hide behind so that you don’t have to take responsibility for your freedom.

Because baby, the only way that you will ever truly find freedom is by taking self-responsibility and doing the INNER work.

So, do you really want freedom? Like, do you really want it, though?

It is – especially after reading this article – your conscious choice.


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