Scared to dive?
Did you know, that you can find everything within you?
But maybe, you are scared to dive within you?
Scared of the darkness you might encounter in the search for you?
Maybe you have not learned yet how to traverse the darkness?
Let me enlighten you on a secret: It is safer for you to dive than not to dive. For if you never dive, you will live life from a superficial place. Never knowing your true beauty. Never cultivating your strength. Never unlocking your true power and potential.
Your ability to dive within will become your greatest gift. You will soon realize that you are the light already. When you take a dive into your own waters from time to time, you’ll sprinkle light as you swim around. More and more aspects will be lit up. And soon enough you’ll start to see in the dark. You will increasingly feel that there isn’t ever anything to be afraid of. The light that you are will shine brighter and brighter. You are becoming bigger than the anxiety and the wounds that you are dissolving time after time. As you do so, you start to feel lighter and lighter. Freer and freer, like a fairy, flowing through life. Knowing your light.
In need of wisdom? You source it inside of you. In need of creativity? You source it inside of you. In need of answers? Right there, inside.
You become transparent, as dense thoughts and energies no longer stick. You become a master transmuter. A master at alchemizing. A master at creating space between the particles in your field.
And after a while, you know bone-deep and cell-deep that you are safe. That nothing can truly hurt you anymore. Not one particle of your shadow self can hunt you, shame you, weaken you. No longer can it stop you from diving into the vast ocean that is you, reaching the golden treasure at the core bottom: your true potential.
When you sense that something is not in line with your true potential, you know what to do. You sit down, close your eyes, go within and you shine light on these parts within you, waking them up. Making them remember who you truly are and let them join the light. You are a magnificent, beautiful and powerful soul. And deep down, you know that.
Now you can dive. You are no longer afraid. You feel safer than ever before.
You realized that there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place.
It was just a matter of waking up, to the real you.