Dear beautiful soul,

Are you ready for Freedom? And I mean like, the real freedom.

The one where you feel truly liberated from limiting mental and energetic patterns.

Are you ready to choose Love with a capital letter “L”? The real, Divine kind of Love?

Are you ready to receive and live in alignment with your Highest Good?

Are you ready to finally just Be You, express yourself Authentically

and live your dreams?

Are you ready to connect with your Soul and your Higher Guidance

to co-create the most fulfilling life possible for you?

Are you ready for deep Peace inside of your heart and

the magical JOY and FUN that comes with living like this?

And most importantly…

Are you ready to do the INNER WORK it takes to get there?

Then you are at the right place my Love

Follow me on Instagram for more vibes:



I graduated as a Clinical Psychologist but never agreed with standard therapies. Later in life, I started a short-lived business that I called “Meditation Therapy by Lisa”, combining my skills as a psychologist and my experience with meditation. My clients were happy but I was not really. I was not satisfied because I could sense that I had a deeper healing potential within me that was much more powerful, but that was simply not unlocked. And even more significant, I realized that I first had to heal myself. Because a true healer first heals themselves.


So, I continued my journey here on Earth, going through deep spiritual awakening processes, and finally finding a deep sense of inner peace. When I eventually moved from the city to a calm, magnificent, natural place, the call to be a healer re-emerged. My inner knowing told me that I had to meet an energy-healer to go even deeper into my own healing and…to activate my own healing abilities. So, I started a “Soul Alignment” program with my wonderful mentor who is a Psychic Channel and Energy-Healer, and is specifically focused on activating women’s Soul gifts. I didn’t have much money, but I felt in my heart that this was the exact program and person I needed to work with. And I highly recommend you too, to listen to your intuition when you are considering to work with someone. I just knew that it was going to transform my life. And so it did.


After the first session, I discovered that I am a Starseed. This is a Soul who has evolved themselves in higher dimensional planets and star systems. They choose to incarnate on Earth to assist in the spiritual evolution of humanity and the planet by raising consciousness, sharing higher wisdom, advanced healing abilities and anchoring in light and high vibrational energy. My soul is quite the traveler, having lived in various star systems: Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius and Mintaka. Currently, I feel most connected to my my Pleiadian, Andromedan and Arcturian origins.

After another intense healing and activation journey, I can now support you in your healing journey too!

Find out more about the way that I work and book your first healing session HERE.

Check out my blog page “WRITINGS” , where I regularly upload articles to give you extra love and support in your awakening endeavors and overall healing journey.

You can also listen to my Spotify podcast or check out my YouTube channel.


I am Lisa Van Dale; Clinical Psychologist and Energy Healer. I am also authentically me. I have peeled off many layers to be able to connect with , and express, my true self.

The Lisa Frequency is my authentic, Soul frequency. My vibe. It’s a frequency where we choose Love and Freedom over fear. It’s a strong frequency where we face our shit and transmute it into Light.

So that we may live as our Soul: in peace, in harmony with Mother Earth and the Universe, in JOY, in playfulness, in FUN, in abundance, in creativity.  And above all, in Wisdom.

It’s a frequency where we care about humanity, Earth and the Collective’s Consciousness. We aim to serve the Collective, not the ego. We listen to our hearts, always guiding us to our highest good. On this frequency, we see through 3D limiting programming and understand the interconnectedness of the Universe. We understand that the healing of the world, starts with the healing of ourselves. By doing our inner work and healing, we take responsibility for the planet.

What’s in your Highest Good, is in my Highest Good.

What’s in my Highest Good, is in your Highest Good.


I help people to see their beauty, and to realize how free they can actually be. Through healing and expanding awareness, we move you closer to inner peace, inner freedom and to the joy of creating your dream life.

I have always seen the power and the beauty within people, most often obscured by limiting energetic and mental conditioning. I see the Soul, the core essence. The Soul needs to go trough certain human experiences throughout its incarnations. It needs to live and learn. But eventually your Soul has a higher purpose to live in alignment with your core essence and reason for being here.

Ultimately, this means you have to expand your consciousness, heal and take aligned action.

So, my mission on Earth is to help humans set their Soul FREE and get them on their AUTHENTIC FREQUENCY. So they may experience deep peace and fulfillment, and live in the freedom of Soul Alignment, Purpose,  Love and JOY. 

So, stay tuned if you feel ready to take radical self-responsibility and contribute to the Collective!

Much Love to You

Lisa <3